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A blog that focuses on the spiritual journey of all of us.

Thursday, August 8, 2024


(Disclaimer – the word God is used multiple times. Feel free to substitute as needed.)

I don’t know how to explain what God is. I don’t even believe it’s possible to explain who God is (or whatever name you may use for this magnificent power). 

But I do know what God is not. God is not an old man in the sky sitting on a throne. God is not angry or vengeful. Or unforgiving. God is not male, or even female for that matter; God might be both or God might be neither. God is not someone or something that either grants our wishes/prayers or denies them. The above describes such a small God. So limited. So manufactured. But that is the God that is so often advertised. No wonder so many people are atheists. 

I used to believe in this God because that’s what I was taught - a long, long time ago. As time went on, I began to let go of some of these ideas due to my participation in healthier religious readings and discussions. But seven years ago, when I experienced profound suffering after my youngest child passed away, I had to rethink all of this, because it felt like bullshit.

I searched. And searched. I read books. I listened to people speak on death, and life, and love, and suffering, and afterlife, and God. I sifted through all of it. I tossed what did not resonate in my heart as truth, and gently held and cradled that which did resonate. I sat in silence with myself. I pondered and contemplated.

Little by little, something deep within myself began to emerge. A truth. A light. Something immense. Expansive. Uncontainable. And I began to realize that, in this deepest part of me, was God.

I discovered that God is in all things, in all people. That is why God is always with us in every situation good or bad. Joyful or painful. I know that God is the Creator of this incredible, indescribably beautiful Earth and universe. And I have learned that He/She is the Source of all Love. And what is greater than unconditional love? 

Those small acts of kindness you may witness each day – holding a door for someone, letting a car in front of you on the road, offering a bottle of water to a stranger who appears to be in distress, even offering a genuine smile – that’s where God is. Right there. So easy to miss. 

I have come to understand that God protects us from nothing but sustains us in all things. For we are here for all of it. Suffering, I’ve learned, is part of life. And it is also a teacher. Through great suffering can come great transformation. We can become compassionate to the suffering of others. We are here to grow our capacity to love. Everyone. Even our enemies.

Love our enemies? Whoa. There it is. Tallest order I know of. But I do get it now. 

Forgiveness, I have found, is great love. It’s the acknowledgement that deep down inside each of us, where we never really look, we are actually all the same, and not one of us is perfect. We all make mistakes. We all fail, and sometimes we fail big time. We do something that feels unforgivable, and we may hate ourselves for it. Then someone hurts us in a way that also feels unforgivable. And here we are all sitting around, wallowing in our shittiness.

Did you ever ask for forgiveness? Have you ever been forgiven for a grave injustice? Do you remember how it felt? To be forgiven? A huge weight lifted off your soul. Immense gratitude to the forgiver. Didn’t that feel kind of like…love? 

And imagine offering that to someone else. For fucking up. Big time. Or even small time. Either way…how very…


That’s God in action. Through you. Through me. Through each of us. No matter how imperfect we are.

This God is so much bigger than that small God I learned about, that God that was stuffed into a little box the size of a pea representing the small-mindedness of human understanding. I needed to unlearn that God. Because the God I now know of and see all around me is beyond any possible understanding. 

God is the magnificence of the ocean, the breathtaking view of the sunset, the peace and serenity of the face of a sleeping infant, the beauty in the delicate petals of a rose, the endless expanse of a star-filled night. Yet words fall short. God is more amazing than we can comprehend, describe or explain. God is awesome. Truly awe-some.

(Read more about my journey from grief to hope in my books Look Around and A Bird Called Wisdom.) 


(Disclaimer – the word God is used multiple times. Feel free to substitute as needed.) I don’t know how to explain what God is. I don’t even...