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A blog that focuses on the spiritual journey of all of us.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

The Music/The Dance

When I am missing you,

I find you.

In the music.

You always said I could find you there.

I hear the drumbeat.

That is you.

That is where I find you.

In the music.


I thought I knew music.

But you taught me more.

The connection was made.

We shared the love of music

In our souls.

Our souls knew music.

I didn’t even realize that until more recently,

when I looked back at our past correspondence.

You’d send me something to listen to,

and I’d send you something to listen to as well.


The music.


I miss you,

so I find the music you appreciated,

you enjoyed,

you resonated with.

And I play that music.

And my soul resonates with it too.

I close my eyes, and I move.

To the music,

to the instruments,

to the drumbeat.

The dance in me comes out.

Interconnected with the music.

The dance I learned so long ago.

I feel it come alive.

As I hear the music.

Your music.


 I feel something as I move.

 I feel me.

 I feel life.

 I feel truth.

 I feel that all that matters is this moment.

This moment.

The music,



The dance.

My arms reach and curve,

My legs support me,

step around, and turn me.

I am strong.


And then the music slows.

I see you. 

We come together,

and dance.

A slow dance.

Mother and Son.

The one I planned to dance one day with you

at your wedding.

Slowly stepping.

Slowly circling.

It is eternal. 

The love between us is there.

Is forever.

I know you are with me.

Because you tell me, “I’m here, Mom.”

I have heard you.

Time stands still.

I am fine.

I am peaceful.

I am with you.

And you are with me.


When I am missing you,

I know where to find you.

You are not far.

You are right here.

In the music.

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